June 1st, 2006
Sacramento, CA time and productivity consultant Irwin Karp has selected The Modern Firm to design his new website and logo. This will be the first website for Mr. Karp, who specializes in time management for lawyers, and we are excited that he has selected us to create his new online image.
About Irwin Karp and Productive Time
Irwin Karp is a consultant with his company, Productive Time. For the past six years, Irwin has been consulting with law firms, businesses and government entities on organizing and time management to increase productivity. In addition to public speaking on seminars, he conducts in-house customized workshops, consulting and one-on-one coaching on paper flow, workflow, clutter control, project management, delegation, effective meetings and time management.
The Modern Firm Services
Attorney Website Design :: modCustom
Website Hosting/Maintenance
Categories: New Clients