September 10th, 2014
Many of us have passed through Hays, Kansas, without even knowing it. Located near the middle of the state, Hays is well west of Topeka and Kansas City. But, being right off of Interstate 70, it sees its share of travelers and is a bustling small city in its own right. It is home to a regional airport as well as to Fort Hays State University. Hays is also rich in history, playing a part in many stories of the Wild West—in fact, James B. "Wild Bill" Hickok served as sheriff there for a few months in 1869.
In 2014, of course, Northwest Kansas is no longer a part of the lawless frontier. These days, sophisticated Kansas law firms make Hays their home. And, at the end of 2014, Hays will welcome the newest of these law firms: Schwartz & Park, L.L.P. Schwartz & Park's founders are long-time Hays residents and attorneys Greg Schwartz and Carol Park. The firm offers a general civil and criminal practice rooted in the Hays community and serving Kansans throughout the Northwest area of the state.
The Modern Firm's writers and designers are excited to be working with Greg and Carol to help define their new business venture by creating and launching their first small law firm website. We've worked with a great number of small western firms, with recent website launches in Nebraska, Montana and Arizona, as well as new websites in the works for multiple clients from Texas and Utah. And we've learned that practicing law in small towns or cities like Hays presents its own unique challenges and, perhaps more so: opportunities.
Schwartz & Park is already in a great position to make use of these opportunities: Greg and Carol's lifetimes of commitment their Kansas communities and neighbors—as well as their professional backgrounds in all facets of civil and criminal law—should serve them well when they open their doors in a few weeks. The Modern Firm is happy to help them establish their online presence in a way that expresses their strengths and is welcoming to their fellow Kansans.
Welcome, Schwartz & Park!
Categories: New Clients