March 13th, 2017
The members of the Alaska Association of Collaborative Professionals offer clients an out-of-court alternative to litigating divorce and family law disputes — the process is known as collaborative law.
The concept of a collaborative process for family law matters began in 1989 in Minnesota. Collaborative law is now practiced throughout the United States and in Canada and Europe as well. The process has also expanded beyond family law, into areas like business, probate, and employment law. When the parties to a legal dispute agree to use collaborative law, the process offers a way to resolve the dispute that can be more efficient and less costly than litigation.
If individuals wish to explore the possibility of a collaborative process for a divorce settlement in Alaska, they can locate a professional through the association's website and reach out to that member for guidance.
Members include lawyers, mediators, finance and mental health professionals, and child specialists. All members of the association are affiliated with the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.
"We are lawyers, financial professionals and counselors dedicated to offering our clients a confidential, out-of-court, dignified approach to handle divorce, custody, modification and other family matters through the use of the collaborative law approach. We believe that resolving legal conflicts collaboratively produces results that are in the best interests of our clients."
The Website — Before and After
The updated website features a new logo and engaging color scheme, as well as a re-design to add modules to highlight specific information. At the same time, the group upgraded to a new membership system. The member feature enables password-protected login to a members-only section of the website, where the association can post information such as forms, training materials, an event calendar and internal news.


The full website may be viewed here:
Or see the design in our law firm website design portfolio.
The Alaska Association of Collaborative Professionals is based in Anchorage, Alaska. Members are located in Anchorage as well as other cities in Alaska.
Categories: Website Launches
Tags: Before / After