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We look forward to meeting/zooming/chatting with you!
This form will let you instantly schedule an introductory call with our team at a time that works for you. We strive for a long term relationship so this first conversation, typically over Zoom, allows us to learn about your situation and ensure we're a mutually good fit. We look forward to meeting you!
E-Mail Contact - For new clients (ideally, please use the form above) - For website changes and support - For anything related to your active project - For your ongoing marketing project - Brendan Chard, Owner
Phone Numbers
All new client consultations are scheduled ahead of time. Please use the contact form on this page to schedule a call with us online
and provide us with information that helps us be fully prepared to speak with you.
800.741.8034 - Voice (please see note above)
888.605.0495 - Fax
Mail and Payments Address
The Modern Firm, LLC
2232 S. Main St. #378
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
No mail here, but stop in anytime, we have great coffee!
The Modern Firm, LLC
111 S. Main Street, 3rd Floor
Ann Arbor, MI 48104