Maybe its our midwestern down-to-earthness. Or the well-known work ethic of those of us from chilly climes who, at least come winter, are happy to spend our waking hours bundled inside building websites. In either case, certain geographic areas have seemed to contribute a large portion of The Modern Firm's new clients over the years. So here's a shout out to our many supporters in Minnesota, Michigan and Ohio—Cincinnati, to be exact.

Today we were pleased to welcome bankruptcy attorney Nick Zingarelli of the Zingarelli Law Office to the family of Cincinnati law firms that have turned to The Modern Firm for small law firm website design services. Marketing in Cincinnati of course offers many opportunities and challenges. Often zealously committed to their home town, Cincinnati natives support their local firms. But, as an urban hub, Cincinnati also serves various surrounding communities in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. The result is a large client pool, but also a large, competitive market that requires strategic thinking by law firms wondering about the best ways to use their advertising budgets.

The Modern Firm has come up with various internet marketing strategies for lawyers and firms in the area, ranging from Google Adwords campaigns to web pages specially-designed to target smaller communities and suburbs around Cincinnati that may be underserved by local attorneys. Each strategy is unique to a particular firm, and aimed at utilizing the best tools for individual practice areas.

The Zingarelli Law Office already has a key ingredient necessary for successful online law firm marketing: an established, well-recommended presence in the field. The Modern Firm will work with Mr. Zingerelli to update the firm's online presence by creating a website that will serve as the best platform for reaching out to new clients.

So, Cincinnati: thanks for supporting The Modern Firm. We hope to continue to repay the favor by helping your small law firms thrive.

Cincinnati is a beautiful city; cheerful, thriving, and animated. I have not often seen a place that commends itself so favourably and pleasantly to a stranger at the first glance as this does.

Charles Dickens

Categories: New Clients