July 18th, 2014
Located in Manhattan, Ziegler, Ziegler & Associates LLP stands at the height of sophisticated legal practice. The firm's attorneys include alumni of top New York law firms and of the prestigious Manhattan District Attorney's Office. Offering transactional and litigation services, they are known worldwide for their advocacy on complex matters, including corporate law, complicated securities transactions and securities compliance, and employment law.
ZZA's preexisting website presents The Modern Firm with a challenge somewhat unique to law firm website design. We have taken up the task of reorganizing and rewriting the firm's diverse practice areas while creating a site that presents a cohesive whole. Each individual area of practice will be separately highlighted—as will each of the firm's accomplished attorneys. The goal is to attract and inform a wide range of prospective clients while directing each website visitor quickly and clearly to his or her particular area of interest.
Our designers and copywriters appreciate the opportunity to work with ZZA and look forward to launching a new website for this prestigious firm.
Categories: New Clients