Condominium Law Group, PLLC, is a Seattle law firm with a decidedly niche practice. The firm’s practice is exclusively centered on meeting the legal needs of community associations, including association general counsel services and collection of assessments. Ken Harer, the firm’s founder, has a background in construction and has worked as a certified reserve study professional for condominiums. Knowing that he is an attorney, his clients started asking him legal questions.

Ken realized that there was a market for attorneys knowledgeable about the legal issues facing condominium and community associations, so he started his own law firm to address the need. Twenty years later, the firm has grown to seven attorneys and several support staff.

There are other law firms that offer some of the legal services that associations need, like collections or litigation. But CLG is unique in that they offer comprehensive legal services exclusively for condo and community associations; there’s no need for an association to employ different law firms for different purposes. That’s a great selling point, and their firm wanted to use their website to get the message out.

The Website: Practical Advice. Personal Service. Professional Results.

CLG’s new website leaves no doubt about what they do and where they do it. Their law firm logo design includes both their name and an image of the distinctive Seattle skyline that represents their geographic market. Photographs of the stunning area mountains and forests further emphasize the local nature of the firm’s services.

The primary purpose of the site is to validate the firm to prospective clients and emphasize its “one-stop shopping” for associations. But the firm knows that existing clients also frequently visit the site for the firm’s contact information. Often, those clients really need informational resources, not to actually talk to a lawyer. CLG decided to make those resources available to clients through the website so they can access them more efficiently.

And, of course, the firm’s contact information is prominently featured, too, so clients and prospective clients can reach the firm whenever they need to.

The full website may be viewed here:
Or see the design in our law firm website design portfolio.

Condominium Law Group, PLLC is located in Seattle, Washington, and serves Seattle and the surrounding region.

Condominium Law Group, PLLC
10310 Aurora Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98133
Phone: 206-633-1520

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Categories: Website Launches