



St. Paul, MN Law Firm Website Design by The Modern Firm
North Star Law Group PLLC
Saint Paul
, Minnesota
Website URL:
Launch Date:
August 2023
Minnesota Law Firm Highlights Unique Practice Philosophy with Award Winning New Website
How do successful law firms come together? They’re not handed down fully formed from the heavens and set gently upon the earth. It’s a process: often, in the course of practice, attorneys will encounter others whose skill and practice philosophy they admire. They gravitate to one another, and then when the stars align, they join forces.
That’s what happened with the partners of North Star Law Group based in St. Paul, Minnesota, which offers clients services in areas ranging from business law to cannabis to construction and more. While the firm’s practice areas may seem disparate, each of them relates to at least one other. In addition, the partners and practice are bound by a commitment to offer clients the highest quality legal services in the most efficient and cost-effective way. All they needed was a website to introduce their new practice configuration and philosophy.
The Website
Your Vision. Our Guidance.
The firm’s name is a reference to both their home (Minnesota, the North Star State) and the guidance they offer their clients. There are celestial references throughout the site’s design. Some of those references are grand—like the breathtaking billboard on the homepage featuring moving images of the Northern Lights. Others are more subtle, like faint images of a star map barely visible in the trim on a page header.
Because North Star Law Group takes a truly unique approach to serving clients, the site features a page spelling out exactly how they do things differently. Understanding that difference was key to helping our website design team create a site that is as distinctive as the firm itself. Taking a deep dive into the firm’s brand is an essential early step in The Modern Firm’s website design process. We get to know our clients well, so we can help them share what makes them shine.
The full website may be viewed here:
Based in St. Paul, North Star Legal Group serves clients throughout Minnesota.
North Star Law Group PLLC
The Gilbert Building
413 Wacouta Street, Suite 550, St. Paul, MN 55101
Phone: (651) 330-9678
Do your prospective clients know what makes you different—and better? If your website’s not showing them, let’s put our heads together.
Meet Our Team
At Modern Firm, we believe in finding people who are great at what they do and then trusting them to do what they love.
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