Here's what "Small Firm" means to us.

The best businesses are laser focused on what they do and we at The Modern Firm are no different. Fit with clients means everything to us and our team, systems, and approach are built around helping small law firms with reasonable budgets get outstanding results.

Running a website design or marketing project for a 100 attorney firm is very different than one for a solo or small firm practitioner. The small firms that we really jive with for generally fit the following characteristics.

  • One to five attorneys. We work well with firms as large as fifteen attorneys, but one to five is our wheelhouse.
  • Established in practice. Our comprehensive approach is designed to do the heavy lifting for lawyers that are busy with active clients. 
  • Suburban or smaller town. We have clients across the country and in every metro area, but when it comes to stretching marketing dollars further, clients located in suburbs or smaller towns can still get oversized returns on a relatively modest budget.
  • Value expertise. We are a full-service branding, website development and marketing agency, not a do-it-yourself template factory. Our best clients value our 20+ years of experience and doing things the right way. If you don't value expertise then you should look elsewhere.

If you fit all of these characteristics, then hot dang, we're probably a match made in heaven! If your firm is a little larger, in a bigger city, or newer to market then that's totally okay, we should still talk.

We're in this for the long haul, so during the first call, we give every potential client a completely honest assessment as to whether or not we're a good fit. Proper fit is the key to long-term success for both us and our clients and we are not shy about helping them find a different provider if we don't believe we're the best for them.

Think we're a fit? Click to Request a Quote!