We had much to talk about today with our newest Texas website design clients, Dallas appeals attorneys Brent Rosenthal and David Weiner of Rosenthal Weiner LLP. Perhaps most of note, the Texans were blessed this week with a little thing our Minnesota and Michigan staffers like to call snow. It's been said that what Westerners call "hills," MidWesterners call "mountains." And what MidWesterners call "ponds," Westerners call "lakes." But snow is snow. And we're glad to share the experience. In fact, take some more Texas. Please?

More to the point, both Mr. Weiner and Mr. Rosenthal have been Texas Board Certified in Civil Appellate Law since 1989. Where some lawyers are born litigators, many lawyers dream of working exclusively on appeals by using their skills for research, writing and persuasion to support clients on a range of legal matters. In the experience of The Modern Firm's Content Chief, former Michigan Supreme Court staff attorney Merrill Hodnefield, only the best of the best can make a career out of appellate work. The accomplished attorneys of Rosenthal Weiner certainly seem to fit that bill, and The Modern Firm looks forward to putting Merrill's background to work by providing website content services tailored to appellate attorneys' specific marketing needs and strengths.

The attorneys can look forward to a new website designed to feature their backgrounds and qualifications, providing assurance to prospective clients that their appeals will be in good hands. We will also work with Rosenthal Weiner to gain approval from the State Bar of Texas Advertising Review Department, which is required for the website to comply with Part VII of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct.

Welcome Brent and David — we looking forward to working with you!

Categories: New Clients