Husband and wife attorneys Sharon Urias and Andy Urias bring their individual practices together through Urias Law Offices, PLLC. Sharon Urias has years of success in business litigation and trademark law. Her Scottsdale, AZ based practice is nationwide and includes, among other things, handling business disputes involving non-compete agreements, business fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, real estate, and trade secrets. Her intellectual-property and internet-based work includes disputes and transactional law involving internet law and e-commerce, domain name disputes, trademark registration and litigation, copyright litigation, and licensing disputes. Andy Urias practices a range of personal injury law. He also emphasizes work for Pheonix and Tucson area clients resolving claims against insurers for bad faith practices.

The Modern Firm will work with Urias Law Offices to combine the partners’ current, separate websites into a single site that highlights both attorneys’ practices. Our work will include content migration, moving the firm’s current website content to its new home. We will also conduct a thorough review of their current content with an eye toward organization, client accessibility, and search engine optimization.

And, of course, our attorney website design team won't forget the cookies.

Categories: New Clients