If you want to make a PDF, Doc, Docx or other type of file available for download on your website follow these steps:

1. While editing a page or post, click "Add Media"

2. In the Media pop-up click the "Upload Files" tab

(Note: If you have already uploaded the file to the website in the past it will already be available in the "media Library" tab and you can skip to step 4)

3. Drag and drop the new file into the pop-up, or click the "select files" button to browse your computer

Video of steps 1 - 3:Video of PDF file being uploaded

4. Once the file has uploaded, select it and fill in the "title" field. The title is the text that will be used in the hyperlink to the file

5. Click "Insert into Post" when you are ready

6. Done!

Video of steps 4 - 6:Video of PDF file being hyperlinked in a page


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